Jigga puttin on for the D

Jay-z performance inside Eastern Michigan’s Arena
Close to the end of the show, Jay-Z looks down at a young lady from Ann Arbor, named Lesley Vareha and says,"I seen you all night....What you trying to do with the hat...I got my own hat...oh..let me see..let me see...I see where you going with this...You want me to rep the "D" tonight...and then he said here I'm gonna give you my hat a favor for a favor a gift for a gift & then kinda jokes about it a lil sayin this ain't gonna happen alot of times...this some bulls***..ya'll better be taking a lot of pictures...and then he says ok..alright..no problem...and some1 yells out let me have the hat and he says no....You can't have the hat its a gift" I love it!!

At that time Vareha offers him a Detroit hat, in which she ensured ahead of time would be a perfect fit. Wearing a customized t-shirt with Jay-Z on it, she and 8,500 other fans watched and embraced the once-in-a-lifetime moment that the King of Rap would take off his New York crown and become a Detroit Representative. Jay-Z finished by allowing her to keep his NY hat and called it “A favor for a favor”.


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